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Bid Classification: 
Bid Type:  RFT
Bid Number:  24-7524-RFT
Bid Name:  Grand River Collegiate Institute Universal Washroom and Fashion Renovation
Bid Status:  Awarded
Bid Awarded Date:  Mon Apr 22, 2024 (EDT)
Published Date:  Tue Apr 2, 2024 1:00 PM (EDT)
Bid Closing Date:  Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:00 PM (EDT)
Date of Planned Notice:  Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:00 PM (EST)
Estimated Bid Publishing Date:  Fri Dec 22, 2023 12:00 PM (EST)
Question Deadline:  Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)
Duration in months:  24
Negotiation Type:  Refer to project document
Condition for Participation:  Refer to project document
Electronic Auctions:  Not Applicable
Language for Bid Submissions:  English unless specified in the bid document
Submission Type:  Online Submissions Only
Submission Address:  Online Submissions Only
Public Opening:  No

The Waterloo Region District School Board, herein after referred to as the “Board” would be pleased to receive a bid for Tender # 24-7524-RFT Grand River Collegiate Institute Universal Washroom and Fashion Renovation.

Bid Document Access:  Bid document preview, bid opportunity, and award notices are available on the site free of charge. Suppliers are not required to register for a bid opportunity prior to previewing unsecured bid documents. Please note, some documents may be secured and you will be required to register for the bid to download and view the documents. To obtain an unsecured version of the bid document and/or to participate in this opportunity, an annual or a per bid fee must be paid (annual fee - $439.90, per bid fee - $132.04).
Trade Agreements:  Show Trade Agreements [+]
Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)
Categories:  Show Categories [+]
  • Utility
    • Supplies
    • Services
  • Construction
    • Infrastructure (Traffic Signalization)
    • Affordable Housing
    • Parks, Trails & Landscape
    • Oil & Gas Pipe Construction
    • Roads, Bridge, Sidewalks
    • Drainage
    • Supplies (barricades, pylons, speed signs, etc.)
    • Infrastructure
    • Building & Renovation
    • Municipal Drains
    • Power Lines
    • Infrastructure (Wastewater)
    • Restoration Services
    • Remediation Services
    • Demolition
    • Heavy Duty Equipment

Meeting Locations

The following are the meeting times and locations for the bid:

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Awarded Summary



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Bids Submitted

The following are the unofficial bid results

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Plan Takers

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